Top 5 Weight Loss Myths for Adults – Don’t Fall for #4!

    Thinking about googling the phrase "weight loss myths"? Read this first (before you reach for that donut!)

    There’s a lot of information on the internet about weight loss. But an unfortunate amount of it is more fiction than fact. Are you ready to learn about the top 5 weight loss myths that you probably already believe? We’re here to set the record straight on these weight loss myths!

    Myth #1: You Don’t Need to Count Your Calories

    Fact: Millions of people fail to lose weight by counting calories. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in it. Counting your calories forces you to pay attention to what you’re eating, and how much of it you’re consuming. Being more cognizant of what you put in your mouth can help you make smarter, more effective food choices along your weight loss journey.

    Myth #2: You Need to Count Your Calories

    Fact: We understand some of you may be doing a double-take right now – but hear us out.
    There are so many reasons why counting calories fails people that it’s enough for its own article. but we’re going to gloss over a couple of the more important points for now (and we’ll go more in-depth at a later date).

    For starters, it’s nearly impossible to accurately count calories. Food manufacturers are legally allowed to be off by as much as 20% when it comes to the calories listed on food labels. And that fancy fitness tracker you’re wearing? Since it isn’t a medical device, it doesn’t have to be accurate either. The same goes for fitness equipment at the gym.

    Lastly, and we hate to be the bearer of bad news, but our bodies are smarter than us. If you eat 1,200 calories/day hoping to lose 2 pounds by the end of the week, your body may lower its own caloric expenditure to match your reduced intake. This is especially likely to happen if you are metabolically unhealthy (you’ll need a blood test from your doctor to figure that out).

    We still stand by what we said about myth #1: there is some benefit to trying to count your calories. But if you’re not paying attention to the quality of your food or your activity levels, you’re not going to be very successful losing weight.

    Myth #3: It’s Ok to Skip Meals When You’re Trying to Losing Weight

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    Some People Can Skip Meals Easily – But For Others, It’S Much More Of A Struggle.

    Fact: some people may be okay skipping a meal when they’re on a diet. But most of us aren’t. We’re so addicted to sugars and carbs that going to 2-3 hours without food can trigger massive blood sugar drops. Our bodies naturally retaliate by releasing hormones that put us in a bad mood and make us crave “comfort food” in order to restore our blood sugar balance. If you get “hangry” on a regular basis or follow a high carb diet, skipping meals could sabotage your efforts or even make you gain more weight.

    Myth #4: Fasting Is Bad for Weight Loss

    Fact: As long as you keep your calorie intake reasonably healthy and stable, going longer between meals isn’t going to hurt you. If anything, plenty of studies show that spending more time in a fasted state resets your metabolic hormones in ways that calm down hunger cravings between meals and increase lipolysis (fat burning) when your body needs energy.

    For those of you at home paying attention, you may have noticed that we just contradicted ourselves twice in the same article. But there’s a reason for that, which brings us to our next myth…

    Myth #5: Everyone Can Lose Weight as Long as They (insert Random Advice Here)

    Fact: No two people will have the same successful weight loss journey. The human body is too complex and our genetics are too unpredictable to conclusively state that any one diet plan will guarantee you success.

    Don’t believe us? Then don’t ask us. Ask the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders. They ran a study on identical twins in 2001 that showed as much as a 15% difference in weight loss between identical twin sisters who were on the exact same diet plan!

    In short: don’t let anyone tell you how you’re supposed to lose weight. Listen to your body and follow your instincts. You’re the only one who really knows what your body needs to be happy and healthy. Use that to your advantage!