Will Retiring Early Help You Feel Younger and Live Longer?

    Early retirement may make dollars and cents to some people - but some studies warn it might be bad for your health!

    Is it better to retire early, or just stay gainfully employed for as long as you are able? Experts in longevity are divided on whether or not it’s a good idea to retire early. When you listen to both sides of the argument, you hear very compelling reasons from each camp. But it’s your own personal circumstances which will determine whether or not early retirement is for you.

    Reasons to Retire Early

    The studies on early retirement are all over the place. Some say the early retirement is good for you – others claim it can shorten your lifespan and reduce your quality of life. You have to look very carefully at the studies to determine what they’re actually saying. But the ones that say that early retirement is good for you tell a very interesting story.

    People who retire early from highly stressful jobs, sedentary jobs, and shift work noticed a drastic improvement in health. This makes sense because all the things that we know will kill you – chronically increased cortisol levels from stress, lack of exercise, and poor sleep – are no longer an issue if you retire early. Changing all these factors for the better can have a significant impact on both your quality of life and your overall longevity.

    Reasons to Stay in the Employment Game

    Other factors you need to consider are whether or not you can afford to retire. Older adults may not be able to financially support themselves if they retire prematurely. And it isn’t just about maintaining your current lifestyle – it’s about the rising healthcare costs you will face as you get older. If you run out of savings and can no longer afford your health care expenses, it’ll definitely take a toll on your lifespan.

    There’s also something to be said for jobs which do require some sort of physical activity, and jobs where you develop social bonds with your co-workers. People who retire early from physically intensive jobs often experience weight gain and develop metabolic disorders after retirement. And don’t get us started on all the data that’s come out recently about how being lonely is literally bad for your health. Retiring early from a job and spending less time with the people you bonded with at work can also cause health problems associated with loneliness or even depression.

    What to Do After You Retire in Order to Feel Younger and Live Longer

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    Making Your Retirement Dreams Into A Reality Could Have A Positive Effect On Your Health!

    To paraphrase a famous quote: if you don’t get busy living, you’ll get busy dying. The sentiment is as true for retirement as it is for anything else. So if you’re going to retire, live it up! Giving yourself purpose will not only add years to your life, but it’ll add life to your ears.

    Get a Hobby

    Think of one thing you’ve always wanted to do (or learn how to do). Now that you’re retired, you can go do that! This is especially good for you if that hobby requires physical activity and/or social interaction with other hobbyists. Engaging in a hobby will keep your mind sharp; a physically active hobby will keep your body healthy; and a socially active hobby will keep you from feeling lonely.

    Get Physical

    Exercising more after retirement is especially important if you work a very sedentary career. Your muscles and joints have likely started deteriorating from lack of movement. If you don’t want to have to deal with joint replacement surgery and the expensive medical costs that go with it, you should join a gym and get moving! You could even join a local running, cycling, hiking, or skating club near you. Group classes/activities can help you get in better shape and help you maintain an active social life at the same time.

    Get Another Job

    Retirement doesn’t legally prohibit you from ever working again – it just means that the career you spent most of your life earning a living from is no longer your main focus. Whether you start bagging groceries part time at your local supermarket or offering freelance consulting services for people who are still in your former industry, having any sort of job will give your body and mind a little bit more purpose in life. Plus the extra income won’t hurt going forward into your golden years!